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Boland Rugby Union


Town vs Villa: ‘n Wedywering wat oor dekades strek

Town vs Villa: ‘n Wedywering wat oor dekades strek

deur Davie Lawrence Agtergrond Robertson en Worcester is die grootste dorpe in wat bekend staan in Boland rugby kringe, as die BreëLangeberg (Breedevallei en Langeberg) streek. In hierdie twee dorp roem twee klubs dat hulle die beste, grootste en die rykste...

SEMI-FINAAL DAG in Wellington

SEMI-FINAAL DAG in Wellington

Aan almal wat die Semi-Finale op Boland Rugby Stadion wil bywoon op Saterdag, 16 November, hiermee 'n belangrike kennisgewing: Geen persoon bo die ouderdom van 12 jaar oud sal toegang gegee word met n Kinderkaartjie van onder 12 nie. Jy sal jou kaartjie self moet...

Yster slyp yster, vier ysters pak mekaar in Wellington

Yster slyp yster, vier ysters pak mekaar in Wellington

deur Davie Lawrence Die vier beste in vanjaar se Sanlam Boland Top 12 spook op 16 November sake uit in Wellington vir ‘n plek in die finaal. Die spanne is paraat en die publiek wag in spanning en hulle gaan in hul duisende optrek by die Sanlam Boland Stadium. Benewens...

Semi-Finaal Dag op Sanlam Boland Stadium

Semi-Finaal Dag op Sanlam Boland Stadium

deur Davie Lawrence Saterdag 16 November 2024 is amptelik Semi-Finaal Dag. Maar dit is nie net enige semi-finaal dag nie, dit is die Semi-finaal dag in die gaanse Boland Rugby Unie. Hierdie skouspel is die grootste sosiale gebeurtenis op die elke klub rugby liefhebber...

Davie se Sanlam Confident Voorskou – Week 5

Davie se Sanlam Confident Voorskou – Week 5

deur Davie Lawrence Nes Sanlam jou die gemoedsrus gee vir 'n confident toekoms, hier is my se uitleg van wat alles hierdie naweek kan gebeur. Alle wedstryde behalwe een skop 17:00 af, wat beteken dat die opbou na die laaste eindfluitjie van die week se wedstryde baie...

Die Ridder en werkesel van die Rugbyveld

Die Ridder en werkesel van die Rugbyveld

deur Marscelli Oppelt Confidence Rule #68: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. In die hartjie van die Swartland, meer spesifiek in Darling, het ’n jong man met die naam Henwill Cleophas grootgeword. Wanneer hy die rugbybal in sy hande...

Ryno Benjamin’s Inspiring Rugby Journey Comes Full Circle

Ryno Benjamin’s Inspiring Rugby Journey Comes Full Circle

by Diego Dietdricks Ryno Benjamin’s rugby story is pretty amazing. He started as a Blitzbok star, thrilling fans with his skills, and now he is back at Vredenburg Rugby Club, helping young players find their feet. His love for the game shines through in everything he...

Uit die Pen van Davie – Voorskou van Week 4

Uit die Pen van Davie – Voorskou van Week 4

deur Davie Lawrence Safcol welkom ‘n vol vetroue Young Spurs, Town en Saldanha Baai pak mekaar aan, terwyl topspanne in Pool A – Caledon en Villa Boys - mekaar pak In die Sanlam Boland Top 12 liedtjie is daar 'n gedeelte, waar die sanger sing "...kom ons skreeu...

Young Spurs legend, John Arendse paved the way for many

Young Spurs legend, John Arendse paved the way for many

by Eugéne “Zibi” Rosant Confidence Rule 64: Hold the door open for those coming up behind you In the small fishing village of Doornbaai, John Arendse grew up with three siblings, all raised by their determined single mother. Despite challenging conditions and a job in...

Renfred Adams knows what Darling RFC means to him

Renfred Adams knows what Darling RFC means to him

By Marscelli Oppelt Sanlam Confidence Rule 30: To protect what matters, you need to know what matters. Renfred Adams, 34, the dynamic number 6 for Darling Rugby Club, has made a significant impact on the field. Adams brings experience, dedication, and tenacity to his...

VUMATEL Connected Moments: Chesley Abrahams

VUMATEL Connected Moments: Chesley Abrahams

by Heinrich Robertson Chesley Abrahams – A true Abbotsdale Rugby Football Club (RFC) legend connects his passion for his rugby and the legacy that he has been part of for nearly 30 years. A name synonymous with Abbotsdale Rugby – Chesley Abrahams – started his club...

Villa Boys honouring their foundations

Villa Boys honouring their foundations

From the desk of Villager Worcester In the rush of life, it’s easy to get distracted and lose sight of what’s most important. "When Villagers Worcester recognise what God has done, the club do not take it for granted that it’s been His hand getting us to where we...

Pieter Jooste: A True Vredenburg Rugby Club Legend

Pieter Jooste: A True Vredenburg Rugby Club Legend

by Diego Dietdricks Pieter Jooste, a founding member and former player for Vredenburg Rugby Club, is a name synonymous with rugby on the West Coast. Not to be confused with the Tygerburg SARU legend and former Springbok national convener of selectors with the same...

It is a numbers game

It is a numbers game

The Sanlam Boland Top 12 tournament has quickly proven to be a crowd-puller, with each game drawing enthusiastic support from the local rugby-loving community. This past weekend’s action saw Robertson hosting Darling in the opening round with an impressive 2,700...

Villa Boy is vurig en CONNECTED met sy klub

Villa Boy is vurig en CONNECTED met sy klub

deur Mario Marinus "Wanneer jou wêreld ineenstort, het jy 'n kans om iets te doen wat jy nie voorheen kon gedoen het nie. Ek het nou `n geleentheid om my storie van opstanding uit die as van vernietiging aan elke speler te vertel." Dit is die woorde van Mario Marinus...

Week 2 Preview – From the pen of Davie

Week 2 Preview – From the pen of Davie

by Davie Lawrence The Sanlam Boland Top12 kicked off this weekend and as promised it was a weekend full of drama, action, and heaps of memories. Sanlam made sure the players were confidently back, Tekkie Town got every tekkie in each town into the stadium and Fan...